BitVestment is the culmination of one individual's inquisitiveness and their quest for answers regarding Bitcoin. The creator of BitVestment was already captivated by the enigmatic nature of Satoshi Nakamoto, who gifted the world with one of the most groundbreaking forms of currency. However, their fascination soon transformed into an ardent passion for trading this digital asset once they discovered its true potential.
It took a span of three years for them to develop trading strategies that proved to be highly effective for their journey as a Bitcoin trader. By meticulously studying price patterns, identifying the key factors that exert the most influence on Bitcoin pricing, and determining the most suitable trading tools for Bitcoin, they eventually managed to consolidate all their knowledge and establish BitVestment.
In 2014, the founder of BitVestment shared their plans with a friend, who subsequently connected them with a team of skilled programmers. Within a mere 15 months, they successfully brought BitVestment to life, a comprehensive hub comprising all the essential resources for Bitcoin trading. Over time, this trading platform has undergone continuous improvement, integrating cutting-edge technology to facilitate swift trades with just a few clicks.
Our team consists of a dynamic group of individuals, including three former Wall Street traders and a quantitative analyst. Over the years, our team has expanded to include more than 15 highly experienced traders and three quantitative analysts. Currently, we are in the process of bringing on board new talent.
If you possess experience in quantitative trading, we encourage you to apply to join the BitVestment team. Additionally, we are seeking market analysts who can contribute to our blog.
Since the inception of our platform, our main objective has always been to empower traders. We believe in showcasing their freedom to develop unique trading styles, choose preferred Bitcoin pairs, and establish personalized trading parameters that align with individual preferences.